NeuroMicrobial Synapse

Welcome to the neural colony!

This page demonstrates an interactive colony of neuron-like elements that respond not only to your actions but also to your thoughts. The colony attempts to detect and visualize your mental activity. Try interacting with the elements and observe the changes!

(c) 2024 DigiNeuroMicBiolLab Project

All information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. The author is not responsible for the use of this page and the materials posted on it.

License Agreement

This application and all its content (hereinafter referred to as the "Product") is the intellectual property of DigiNeuroMicBiolLab Project (copyrights for concept and software - I. Petrov). All rights reserved. No part of the Product may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

The author is not responsible for any actions of Product users, including actions towards third parties. The use of the Product is at the users' own risk. The author is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the Product.

The Product is provided "as is," without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The author does not guarantee that the Product will meet users' requirements or that its use will be uninterrupted and error-free.

The author developed all ideas presented in the Product independently, based solely on their own knowledge and experience. Although the author did not research existing software, they do not exclude the possibility that some ideas in the Product may coincide with existing developments created independently by others. Nevertheless, the author assures that all ideas and implementation in the Product were created independently without borrowing from others' work. The author respects the work of other authors and researchers.

The author does not intend to offend anyone's feelings or beliefs. The ideas and viewpoints expressed in the Product are solely the author's opinion and may not coincide with the opinions of others.

The Product is intended solely for entertainment purposes. Any use of the Product for other purposes is not recommended and is not endorsed by the author.

By using the Product, the User confirms that they have read and understood the terms of this Agreement and agrees to comply with them. If you do not agree with these terms, refrain from using the Product.

About the Project

The "NeuroMicrobial Synapse" project was created to demonstrate the capabilities of interactive systems that simulate the behavior of neural networks. The main idea is to visualize the user's mental activity through interaction with neuron-like elements.

This project is a unique combination of visual art and technology aimed at creating an interactive and engaging experience for users. Each colony element reacts to the user's actions, allowing the creation of dynamic and visually appealing patterns.

The project is the result of painstaking work and experiments with various approaches to modeling and visualizing neuron behavior. Modern technologies and methods were used in the development process, resulting in a product that combines innovation and artistic expression.

The goal of the project is to demonstrate how complex systems can behave depending on external influences and how they can be used to visualize invisible processes. "NeuroMicrobial Synapse" invites you to immerse yourself in the world of microorganisms and neurons, observe their interaction, and understand how small changes can lead to significant consequences.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact the project author via email: